Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Spam on the rise:Just one in 20 e-mails are legtimate !

The above article was published in a Times supplement on 19/3/07 and was of particular interest to me as I have been watching the increasing use of images to bypass ones internal spam filters. It is worth reading through to the end.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Dangerous ties

D'ya know, I laways suspected that ties were unsafe.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Used GOOGLE lately?

I wasn't sure if this was a suitable posting for Grumpy Old Men but I thought it was of general interest and not necessarily right for our Second World War Blog.

This post concerns the number of Hits one gets when looking for a particular subject.

The subject is partly covered in Wikipedia at:

but I then went on to do some of my own research on various subjects, as below:

798,000,000 Sport
792,000,000 History
747,000,000 Books
608,000,000 Film
513,000,000 Science
495,000,000 Arts
441,000,000 World War 2
410,000,000 Sex
296,000,000 Religion
223,000,000 Drama
176,000,000 Word War II
72,600,000 Churchill
35,600,000 Hitler
13,900,000 WW2

I then got a bit "selfish" and keyed in: "Ron Goldstein"+"WW2"+"BBC" and was gratified to get 974 "Hits"

Have any of you noticed any other numbers like this on your own pet researches?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Now seen it all.

yesterday while driving to the local country park to walk my dog I saw the following and wondered at the stupidity of some motorists.
You turn off the main road and climb up a narrow winding lane the width of the car that has passing points.
Looking ahead I saw a vehicle coming with hazard warning lights flashing but for a minute could not make out what it was.
I then saw it was a car with the bonnet in the up position meaning the driver could not see ahead, that sent me into a passing point lay by fast.
I ran the window down and as he came level shouted I had a roll of tape in my boot but was totally amazed to see he had a mobile phone stuck to his ear. He shouted back it is OK I am going to the garage.
The garage is out on the main road about a mile from where we passed so he trundled on finding his way I know not how and much to the detriment of all other road users.
I was so dumbstruck I never thought to get my mobile phone camera out and record the scene.
Do people get into a car and become immune to danger? do they think it is every one Else's problem missing them during their stupid antics?
After 60 years of official driving plus six years unofficial driving my Fathers trucks without accident I begin to wonder how I lived so long without being wiped out by fools and nutters, there are a lot of them, about.