Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Headline on the BBC website today:

Thirteen people have been charged with taking part in a childcare fraud alleged to have earned them £569,568.

Why have they been charged if they have earned the money?

1. to gain or be paid (money or other payment) in return for work or service.
2. (tr.) to acquire, merit, or deserve through behaviour or action.

Yet another example of the increasing misuse of English at the BBC. What they mean is that the childcare fraud is alleged to have netted them £569,568. We are talking about illicit gains here, not earned rewards.


Blogger Tomcann said...

Peter -
The whole point of the BBc's misuse of the English language is yet another indication that the "Dumbing Down" of the population is gaining ground - after all their once upon a time mandate was to Educate - then Entertain and it is clear that they are mixing the two as the "Entertain" faction is helping enormously in the "Dumbing Down" process.... the "F" word is constantly heard from the mouths of sweet innocent 17 year olds !

8:41 pm  
Blogger Frank mee said...

We once looked to the BBC for the correct pronounciation of our language, now all we get is filthy language after and at times before the nine o clock threshold.
I did not use bad language whilst in charge of men in the army or civvy street.
Firstly they were waiting for you to swear therefore paid attention and second if I had to resort to bad language I had lost the plot and the argument.
There is a fight back, my grandchildren tell me swearing by the children is frowned on at school and not before time.

4:27 pm  

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