Spotted in today's Times
"Burglar suspect dies after confronting house holder"
A burglar who suffered head injuries when he fell from a fourth floor window after disturbing a householder has died.
The owner of the property has been arrested.
A burglar who suffered head injuries when he fell from a fourth floor window after disturbing a householder has died.
The owner of the property has been arrested.
Not too suprising since most Governments to-day are in mortal fear of "rights groups" - everyone has "rights" except tax payers who are only allowed "privileges"
So they appease the villans to the detriment of the victims - all this appears to have started in Chicago many years ago when the son of that Great Mayor Richard Daley decided to run for Mayor. -
He contacted a gay group to assist in telephoning potential voters, promising them plum jobs in his administration if he was successful.
He won by a landslide as the "gays" mustered an army of 75,000 to 'assist' in carrying people to the polls - and home again - and many other tasks !
Most politician took the point and victims have suffered ever since - try criticising a "gay" group to-day - you will wonder what hit you !
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