Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Things I find annoying

When asked to spell my name, perhaps by a shop assistant, I begin gee aitch ..., to be haughtily reproved with gee haitch... making me want to exploded NO NOT HAITCH the letter is AITCH!

Then there are others who insist in sticking in an r in drawing, pronouncing it drawring. They are even doing it on the BBC now! And here we see a typical Victorian drawring room Aghhhhhhhh!!!

Or the notes at the end of a book without any page number references, and useless indexes which just give a series of page references without any sub-division or details, such as Montgomery, B.L. Gen: 2, 4, 8, 23, 45-78, 81, 87, 96, 234, 333, 456, 527.

Monday, September 18, 2006

So at last I get to be a Grumpy Old Man or GOM, my family thought I had been there for a long time, I do not understand why.
Things not to mention in front of me are;-
Income Tax, Government, Youngsters of today, Judges, Polititions, Pensions Taxes, The cost of fuel, Doctors and Taxes and Council Taxes. Guess it is best not to mention Taxes you may then still live.
Discuss anything you want here, but please please not WWII.