Friday, August 10, 2007


It would appear - to me at least - that the word "duplicate" has been replaced by the more modern - up to date - upperwardly mobile word - "replicate" - which essentialy means the same - so what'e the point - people trying to sound a bit more educated perhaps ???


Blogger Frank mee said...

Tom, I always thought that to "Duplicate" meant make an exact copy.
"Replicate" meaning to do the same thing again.

Today is international youth day I hope you know.
"Youtht would be an ideal state if it came later in life"
And "In youth we learn, in age we understand"
The best for me is "The secret of eternal youth is arrested developement"
Good luck to them I say.

2:10 pm  
Blogger Tomcann said...

Frank -
I think I know what you mean but surely replicate comes from the word replica - a duplicate (an exact copy) and in non ferrous metals the term replicated aluminium meant a sheet of Aluminum
with the exact same cut out pattern over all- i.e. the same shape repeated - replicated - duplicated ?

someone - might have been GBS - stated that "Youth was wasted on the young" !

I think it was Alan Hanson who said before the football season started this week end that Manchester United were hoping to "replicate" their League Championship of last season -
The way they played against the underdogs Reading - I don't think they will either replicate or duplicate that !
that got me going as if he meant they should win the league endlessly as opposed to just "duplicating" their last year's victory just this new season - he is a fellow Scot !

2:56 am  

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