Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Things I find annoying

When asked to spell my name, perhaps by a shop assistant, I begin gee aitch ..., to be haughtily reproved with gee haitch... making me want to exploded NO NOT HAITCH the letter is AITCH!

Then there are others who insist in sticking in an r in drawing, pronouncing it drawring. They are even doing it on the BBC now! And here we see a typical Victorian drawring room Aghhhhhhhh!!!

Or the notes at the end of a book without any page number references, and useless indexes which just give a series of page references without any sub-division or details, such as Montgomery, B.L. Gen: 2, 4, 8, 23, 45-78, 81, 87, 96, 234, 333, 456, 527.


Blogger Tomcann said...

Peter - I know just how you feel as my signature these days invariably begs the question - "do you spell your name with a K "? I have long since given up and merely reply "well no - it's the same as you do with tomatoes" they then nod sagely and get it right The other one is "is Thomas with an H ? as I must look Germanic !

11:45 pm  
Blogger Tomcann said...

Frank -
good old English is so far above the heads of most Americans that it is quite laughable at times in their attempts to simplify everything - the story goes in the old days of vast immigration to the States from Eastern Europe with their tongue twisting names that many people landing at Ellis Island with the names of Dumbrowski etc - came out being re named as Smith !
On one of my visits to the U.K. I was advised that should I pass another white face on the streets of London then I was required to shout " Snap".
This nearly happened in Birmingham when my sister took me on a tour of the downtown area to marvel at the recent changes. WE passed many people of "colour" and on rounding a corner we were confronted by a massive Marquee with a banner announcing " Islam Awareness Week" - a man tried to thrust a pamphlet into my hands when I told him that I was fully aware of Islam as it was all around me - he was not amused, but I kept my head !!!

1:29 pm  
Blogger Tomcann said...

Another thing I should mention as being particularly annoying is Message board pleas of a desperate nature for information on some long past event. So you work your head off to research the problem - come up with what looks like a solution to this desperate
plea - then to find some eight days later that the desperate person has not acknowledged your efforts.....that is really annoying !

4:25 pm  

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