If there's one thing that gets my goat it's dialling a phone number, being held in a queue and the, for the next 45 minutes being told "Your call is important to us !" The other thing that also gets my goat are these people who open Blogs every other nine months !
So...waiting for 45 minutes is nothing over here - if and when you have the mis-fortune to call the Provincial Government - you are treated to a whole symphony of rock and roll - then a tour of all the departments until you give up in despair.... aggravated from Agassiz
If there's one thing that gets my goat it's dialling a phone number, being held in a queue and the, for the next 45 minutes being told "Your call is important to us !"
The other thing that also gets my goat are these people who open Blogs every other nine months !
Grumpy old b*****d from Cockfosters
LOL. Oh not you again? You seem to be in EVERY blog I look at. :)
Well at least you finally made it, I was about to give you up :)
So...waiting for 45 minutes is nothing over here - if and when you have the mis-fortune to call the Provincial Government - you are treated to a whole symphony of rock and roll - then a tour of all the departments until you give up in despair....
aggravated from Agassiz
... and last, but not least, Tom. I knew you'd roll up :)
Hi Peter ! How about WW 111 ? Isn't that what is happening now? I'm so glad that I am too old for any more heroics.
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